Hamish MacPherson
2012-14 University of Roehampton. MRes: Choreography and Performance
2010-13 Birkbeck College. Foundation Degree in Performance: Dance
2006-08 Kings College London. MA: Human Values & Contemp’ Global Ethics
1997-00 University of Glamorgan. BA (Hon’s) Humanities
1996-97 Kent Institute of Art and Design. BTEC Foundation in Art and Design
2020 It is urgent that we take our time
Paraphilia Collective [DO_Gooders magazine]
2020 Metaform
Wellcome Collection [Play Well]
2020 Metaform
Swallowsfeet Collective [Oops at Oh]
2019 Shadows over Croydon w. Una Hamilton Helle
Croydon Arts Store
2019 Zu Vier Handen w. Kimberley Harvey
Sophiensæle, Berlin [The Space Inbetween/No Limits 2019]
2017 In which we prepare for…
Commissioned by Alessia Cargnelli/ Catalyst Arts
Catalyst Arts, Belfast [Black Mountain]
2017 Improvising Politics: Out of Touch
Commissioned by Valerio Del Baglivo and Anna Santomauro
Grand Union, Birmingham [VOZ RARA]
2017 Doomsday is Just Not Coming
Commissioned by The Bad Vibes Club
Centre for Contemporary Art, Derry-Londonderry
Institute of Contemporary Art, London [In Formation]
Open School East, Margate
2017 Non Existent Activity
York St John University, York [SLAP festival]
The Old Market, Brighton [Swallowsfeet festival]
Commissioned by Rene Carmichael/ Flee Immediately
Published in Flee Immediately Issue 02: Dance and Code
2016 Breastbeating
Commissioned by Manual Labours
Showroom 2016 [The Complaining Body]
Peltz Gallery 2016 [The Complaining Body]
2016 MOVEMENT 4.
Commissioned by AirSpace Gallery
AirSpace Gallery [Decapod]
2016 Maps w. Adam James and Sivan Rubenstein
Commissioned by Sivan Rubenstein
Attenborough Centre, Leicester
2020 Horny? Likely? *Lonely?
The Bad Vibes Club, Online
SITE [in.oscillation]
2019 Metaform
Mansions of the Future, Lincoln [inDialogue 2019]
Chisenhale Dance Space [Making an Exit]
2019 It is urgent that we take our time
CCA Derry~Londonderry [URGENCIES]
Spill Central, Ipswich [Spill Festival]
2018 Zu Vier Handen w. Kimberley Harvey
Metal Liverpool [Dadafest]
Southbank Centre, London [Unlimited]
2018 We Robot
Artsadmin 2018 [LADA DIY]
2018 Breathe: Imperative w. Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau
Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh
Display Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Somerset House Studios London
2018 Alien Phenomenology w. Sarah Jury
The Space, London [Adam James: An Extension of Us]
2017 🙊 🚪 🕖 w. Adam James.
Tate Britain, London [Family Festival]
2017 🌳 ✋ 🔦 w. Adam James
Theatre Delicatesant, London [The Smoke int’l larp convention]
2017 Let’s Play PMQs w. Rosalie Schweiker and Sarah Jury
Resort studio, Margate 2017
2017 The Great Invisible w. Katherine Hall.
The Trampery, London [Open Senses Festival]
2017 Powerfully Careful w. Katherine Hall.
Brewery Studio, Bristol
2017 Alien Phenomenology w. Sarah Jury
Res., UK
Ed Forneliales Studio, London [Play Co Summit]
2016 There she lies motionless w. Francesca Cavello.
Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich [Manifesta 11]
Chisenhale Dance Space, London [OpenLAB]
2016 Alt Prepping
Decoda Coventry University [Summer Dancing]
Guest Projects [The Rebel Man Standard]
Open School East
2016 How Many Things to Build the Future
Studio ALTA, Prague [Ludic Stance]
2016 Thunderous Grumblings Under Cover of Darkness
Yorkshire Dance, Leeds
2016 Contemporary Dance is a Political Project
Sadlers Wells, London [The Rebel Man Standard]
2015 🌳 ✋ 🔦 w. Adam James
Camden People’s Theatre, London
2015 Watch Me Watch You w. Rachael Dichter
Roehampton University, London
2015 How Many Chairs to Build the Future
Camden People’s Theatre, London [Beta Public IV]
Royal Holloway, London [Dancing Economies conference]
Utrecht University [Ppp conference]
2015 The Third Chamber w. Gille Kleiman.
Beeston Park, Merrion Centre, Bramley Shopping Centre, Leeds [Ludus]
2015 dialogue 1 part 5: How to live in a dead machine w. Maria Sideri
Chisenhale Dance Space, London
2014 All The Things That We Can Do
Chisenhale Dance Space, London
Shoreditch Town Hall, London
Roehampton University London
2014 How Many Chairs to Build the Future
Showroom Gallery, London
Bethnal Green Library, London
Z-arts, Manchester [Emergency festival]
2014 The Third Chamber w. Gille Kleiman.
Ludus Dance, Lancaster [Encounters]
2014 Open House
Merton College, Oxford [Dancin' Oxford Festival]
2014 How do we think with our bodies?
Bethnal Green Library, London
2014 what_now festival 2014
Siobhan Davies Studios, London
2013 Improvising Politics: explorations in Somatic Citizenship
Halmstad, Sweden [Knutpunkt]
Millennium Point, Birmingham [Many & Varied: Bees In a Tin]
Chisenhale Dance Space, London
2013 The Third Chamber w. Gille Kleiman.
Brunswick Centre, London [Rajni Shah Projects]
2013 Open House
Toynbee Studios, London [BELLYFLOP Cue Postions]
2013 The corrosive effects of time redefine everything against our will
Roehampton University, London
2013 Dancing Politics. w Gillie Kleiman
Cambridge Junction, Cambridge
2019 Institut für Theater, Film und Medienwissenschaft Goethe Universität Frankfurt
2019 Goldsmiths MA Design
2018 Syllabus IV cohort
2018 LSE Philosophy Forum
2018 Birkbeck arts PhD candidates
2018 Alt MFA
2017 Goldsmiths PhD candidates
2017 London School for Contemporary Dance MA
2015 Birkbeck BA Dance
2015 Independent Dance’s Crossing Borders
2014 Dance Art Foundation‘s Dance Critical Theory Group.
2013 Open School East
2018 SPILL Festival SPILL OPEN, UK
2017 METAL Changemakers LAB participant, UK
2017 Dance on the Radio award
2016 Golden Cobra Award: Game with best use of somatic elements
2015 danceWEB scholarship, Austria/EU
2014 Outstanding Masters Research 2014. Roehampton University Dance Department, UK
2013 Independent Dance’s mentoring programme, UK
2017 Siobhan Davies Studios Open Choreography Residency, UK
2016 Performing Politics/Politicising Performance: Summer School of Political Dissent. University of Warwick, UK
2016 AirSpace Gallery artist in residence, UK
2015 Meg Stuart/ Porto Sessions, Portugal
2015 Tanteo, UK
2015 PAF London, Independent Dance, UK
2015 Paradise Lost, Retreat, UK
2014 Paradise Lost, Retreat, UK
2013 Paradise Lost, Retreat, UK
2012 Dramaturgs’ Network ft. Hildegard de Vuyst, Dramaturgy and Dance, UK
Blades, H. 2018. ‘Dance’s Political Imaginaries’ in Ellis, S., Blades, H., & Waelde, C. (Eds.) (2018). A World of Muscle, Bone & Organs: Research and Scholarship in Dance. Coventry: C-DaRE.
Blades, H. 2019. ‘Projects, Precarity, and the Ontology of Dance Works.’ Paper. Dance Research Journal. April 2019.
Blades, H. 2019.‘Performance and the Partial.’ Paper. Choreographic Practices.
de Kersaint Giraudeau, M. 2015. On Gifs. Interview. Bad Vibes Club
Ellis, S., Hughes, P. and MacPherson, H. 2018. We Took Photographs
Hughes, P. and MacPherson, H. 2018. I could never imagine where I am now so how can I imagine where I will be next. Paper. Digital Echoes 2018, Centre for Dance Research in Coventry University
MacPherson, H. (Ed.) 2019. STILL LIFE: Horny? Likely? *Lonely?
MacPherson, H. (Ed.) 2019. STILL LIFE: Issue 4
MacPherson, H. (Ed.) 2018. STILL LIFE: Issue 3
MacPherson, H. (Ed.) 2018. STILL LIFE: Issue 2
MacPherson, H. (Ed.) 2017. STILL LIFE: Issue 1
MacPherson, H. 2016. Puppies, Participants and Patients. Paper. Performing Care, Central School for Speech and Drama
MacPherson, H. 2016.What if a complaint needs to be made with paint or fire or shit?
MacPherson, H. 2016. ‘What Are Screendance Competitions Even For? A Response to the 2015 Leeds International Film Festival Screendance Competition’ in The International Journal of Screendance. Vol 6. 2016
MacPherson, H. 2014. The Small i and Technologies of Abstraction Masters text
MacPherson, H. 2014. Between intuition & analysis: Choreography after Henri Bergson. Paper. The Young conference. University of Groningen
MacPherson, H. 2014. The World is at Your Feet: Perspectives on Choreography from Conceptual Metaphor. Paper. On Feet symposium. Roehampton University.
MacPherson, H. 2013. ‘Body Politics’. Exeunt
MacPherson, H. 2013. ‘Fringe Travel’. Bellyflop/ Dance Umbrella
Oosten, A. 2019. ‘Hamish MacPherson and his zine STILL LIFE’ in www.zorgethiek.nu
Oosten, A. 2019. ‘Pondering ‘STILL LIFE’’ in www.zorgethiek.nu