What Legacy Now
Paul Paschal. 2023
An interview about my solo exhibition Christopher Wren: What Legacy Now.
What happens when we take a photograph?
Hamish MacPherson. 2021
The photoshoot as a choreographic encounter.
Performance and the Partial
Hetty Blades. 2019
An extract from Blades, H. 2019. ‘Projects, Precarity, and the Ontology of Dance Works.’ Paper. Dance Research Journal.
Works and Practices: Being Public
Hetty Blades. 2019
An extract from Blades, H. 2019. ‘Projects, Precarity, and the Ontology of Dance Works.’ Paper. Dance Research Journal.
Instrumentalism and Impasse
Hetty Blades. 2018
An extract from ‘Dance’s Political Imaginaries’ in Ellis, S., Blades, H., & Waelde, C. (Eds.) (2018). A World of Muscle, Bone & Organs: Research and Scholarship in Dance.
We Took Photographs
Simon Ellis, Paul Hughes and Hamish MacPherson. 2018
It covers things to do with collaboration, power and when things don’t seem to be going right.
I could never imagine where I am now so how can I imagine where I will be next
Paul Hughes and Hamish MacPherson. 2018
A paper presented at the symposium ‘Reflections off the future organised by the Centre for Dance Research in Coventry University.
Dance Theory and Practice (Lecture)
Hamish MacPherson. 2017
This is something based on a presentation I gave to MA students at the London School for Contemporary Dance about research.
Non-existent activity outside the capitalistic time
Mil Vukovic-Smart. 2017
A participant’s response.
Puppies, Participants and Patients: Thinking of care roles as choreographic tools
Hamish MacPherson. 2016
How the use of named roles can be considered in terms of care relationships.
Alt Prepping
Hamish MacPherson. 2016
I was wondering if could we think of a kind of ‘Alt Prepping’ that stockpiles aesthetics, movements, relationships and other resources for some unimagined future?
Alt Prepping at Guest Projects
Alice MacKenzie. 2016
Reflections on feminist, communal prepping.
Contemporary dance is a political project
Hamish MacPherson. 2016
Text delivered at Khan Studio, Sadler’s Wells at the conclusion of the Rebel Man Standard project.
What Are Screendance Competitions Even For?
Hamish MacPherson. 2016
A Response to the 2015 Leeds International Film Festival Screendance Competition.
The world is at your feet
Hamish MacPherson. 2014
If the human mind is rooted in the human body, then the Enlightenment is rooted in the human feature of feet.
Performance philosophy with chairs and small boy
Jonny Blamey. 2014
A reflection on How Many Chairs to Build the Future? at the University of Roehampton.
Body Politics
Hamish MacPherson. 2013
Reflecting on 30 political years for Chisenhale Dance Space.