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How Many Things To Build The Future is a collaborative installation for two or more people playing together in one group. The game cards are used to select an abstract word (for example ‘future’ or ‘thought’) that the group must arrange some or all of the objects in response to. The cards also determine how the group works together (for example ‘work in silence’ or ‘think of it as a dance’). The rules are deliberately open so that players work together to deal with any uncertainty.  At the end there are no winners or losers.

Number of players: 2-100

Duration: An individual could play for 10+ minutes but the installation can run indefinitely (for example the length of a conference or festival)

Audiences: The game can be run as an art installation; an educational tool; or as an alternative method of academic discourse, for example at a symposium.

Venue requirements: 50 identical chairs, black/white board, large empty room

Key themes: Play, politics, democracy, collaboration, language, metaphor. It can be tailored to any particular even theme for an event or exhibition.

Languages: Can be translated easily into other languages

Previously played at: Somerset House (Now Play This 2022),